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Beads from Europe
The Glass Beads of Anglo-Saxon England c. AD 400-700 (Guido and Walsh)
Note: Special series in our journal updating The Story of Venetian Beads, The Czech Bead Story (1979) and The Glass Trade Beads of Europe (1988), all out of print. The demand for reprints has been heavy, but new information made that difficult. Revisions are now published as issues of the Margaretologist. They never go out of print and can easily be updated.
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The Venetian Bead Story

"The Mother of Modern Beads" has been producing glass beads for world trade since the opening of European exploration. Part 1 details the history of Venetian beadmaking - the guilds, the glass, the innovations and the trade.
Left: A fountain of beads. A 19th century Venetian beadmaker's card.
Part 2 is traces the beads of Venice century by century, showing how the history of the city is written into its beads. It also discusses the distribution of the beads on a world-wide basis. This issue has a color cover (single copy $7.50).
Right: Small Nueva Cádiz and seven-layer chevron of the 15th century.

11(2) and 12(1) Special both $12.95
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Remember -- the color plates for all Margaretologists are here on the site.
The Beads of Bohemia
Before I published The Czech Bead Story in 1979 it was widely believed that Czech beads were pale copies of Venetian ones. This book shattered that notion. It and the 1988 update are both out of print. Much more has been learned about Bohemian history, beadmaking and beads since. This is the latest update, complementing the Venetian update (above).

13(1) $6.50
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Remember -- the color plates for all Margaretologists are here on the site.
Bohemian Beadmaking - the Video

During the last years of the Cold War and the first years thereafter Shari Hopper visited the glass beadmaking areas of Lauscha, East Germany, Kaufbeuren, West Germany and Jablonec, Czechoslovakia.
Her filming of people making glass beads by different means is enthralling. A must-have for beadmakers or anyone interested in the history and techniques of beadmaking. Read and see more here.
Bohemian Beadmaking: A Documentary Video $29.95
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European Glass Beads ca. 1000 BC to AD 1500

Glass beads were first made in Europe (very near Venice) about 1000 BC. Since then it has had a strong beadmaking tradition, though overshadowed by the Middle East in Roman times and not exporting until the rise of Venice. This story has never been put together before.
Left: Stratified eye bead of the La Tené period.
9(1) $6.50
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The Seed Bead Issue
One of our most popular issues. Visit the beading and beadwork section on the site.
For the first time, the "mystery" of seed beads is resolved. This covers a short history of beadwork, the sizing of seed beads, what a "bunch" of beads is, dating seed beads and the vocabulary of seed beads. The vocabulary (a short version is on the site) traces the origin of the names and the techniques used to make lustering, three-cuts, etc.

10(2) $6.50Credit card holders can buy on-line Buy It Don't want to use a credit card? Use the U.S.or non-US forms or the Quick Order Form
The following issues of the Margaretologist also have articles on beads from Europe:
1(4) Focus on Mexico: Ancient, Colonial and Current. Buy It
2(1) Early Neolithic Sites in Iraq. Russian Bead Trade in Alaska. Buy It
3(1) Beads in Ghana: Arab Trade. European Trade. Teshi House. Powder-Glass. Buy It
4(1) Beadmaker, Beadmaker: Jablonex. Czech prisons. Hebron. American Beadmakers. Buy It
4(2) Some Thoughts on the Bead Trade (International Bead Conference II address) Buy It
5(2) Site X. Modern Millefiori. Southeast Asia. Buy It
6(1) History of Swarovski Cut Crystal. Bead Altering as a Cultural Expression. Buy It
7(1) Bead Sample Cards. Gooseberry Beads in the Slave Trade. Grants, Alert. Buy It
8(1) Beads from a Wrecked Slave Ship. Beads from Medieval Old Cairo (Fustat). Buy It
9(1) Glass Beads in Europe, ca. 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1500.
Color plates here. Buy It
9(2) The Current Czech Industry. A Wampum Belt in Denver
. Color plates here. Buy It
10(1) The Oldest Beads in America. Beads at Jamestown
. Color plates here. Buy It
10(2) Special Issue: Seed Beads, Palau Heirloom Beads
. Color plates here. Buy It
11(2) The Venetian Glass Bead Story, Part 1: History
Plates here. Buy It
12(1) The Venetian Glass Bead Story, Part 2: The Beads Plates here. Buy It
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