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Beads from Europe/ Waltraud Neuwirth
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These four books were written by Waltraud Neuwirth, a specialist on glass and glass beads of Central Europe. They are exceptionally beautiful, printed on heavy stock so that the pictures are of first quality. They are based on detailed research and are a feast for the eyes. Required reading for serious collectors and bead libraries.
Beads from Gablonz (Perlen aus Gablonz)
The story of beadmaking in Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic (Gablonz in German) in all its dimensions. The making and use of seed beads, molded beads and blown beads are covered in detail. Text in English and German. Hardcover.
Left: The cover shows two of the many bead sample cards pictured.
500 pp., 180 color and 189 b&w plates.
Now back in stock.
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Color in Glass - I (Farbenglas - 1) 1993
The first of two volumes discussing the problems of glass colors. Based on detailed archival and chemical research, this volume covers white, black, yellow and green glass (blue and red in the next volume).
Text in English and German. Hardcover.


Left: Part of one of many illustrations, this one showing blue shades of Czech-made beads.
280 pp., 114 color and 53 b&w plates.
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Glass Bead Christmas Tree Ornaments (Glasperlin Christbaumschmuck) 1995
The definitive work on blown beads in Bohemia. You will come to recognize the importance of this branch of the industry, producing beads worn in necklaces and used as Christmas tree decorations.
Text in English and German. Hardcover.


Left: While all these beads could be worn for decoration, many of them were used to make Christmas ornaments in Bohemia.
320 pp., 167 color and 95 b&w plates.
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Glas 1905-1925, Band IV: Kleine Technologie (Glass 1905-1925, Vol. 4: Minor Technology) 1988
This paperback has only German text, but that hardly matters. It is lavishly illustrated, showing the tools used for glassmaking (many related to beadmaking) at the beginning of the century.

Left:Mold for shaping glass. This one is for a vessel, but similar ones were used for chevrons, maccas, millefiori designs, etc.
208 pp., 265 plates.
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