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Beads from Europe/ Sibylle Jargstorf
Books by Waltraud Neuwirth > Works by Pete Francis >
These books were written by Sibylle Jargstorf, a chemist by profession, who has extensively researched European sources to work out a history of glass beads, particularly in Central Europe. The books are heavily illustrated and meant to appeal to the collector. All have price guides.

Glass in Jewelry
Second Edition1998
A look at glass beads and jewelry from the 16th to the 20th century, especially that made for the American and European markets. Many glass types are discussed and heavily illustrated.
200 pp., 400 color photos.
Beads, Baubles and Buttons: The Heritage of Bohemia 1993
Bohemia (the Czech Republic) has been one of the principal glass bead making areas of the world for centuries. The history of this important industry is traced.
176 pp., 384 color plates


Glass Beads from Europe
An overview of glass production and use in Europe from ancient times to the present.
176 pp., 384 color plates.
< Books by Waltraud Neuwirth < Works by Pete Francis
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