The Bead SiteHome>Privacy

We Respect You

Recent figures show that most people simply do not believe privacy statements they read on the Internet. I have a 25-year international reputation to protect.
You can believe this one.

This statement discloses the privacy practices of the Center for Bead Research for The Bead Site. We believe in the principles of disclosure and informed consent.

Some large sites use TRUSTe to review and audit a site's privacy practices. The reason we do not is that the service costs $US 299 a year.

What information does the site gather about you?

Principally your name and address, though with certain functions, such as surveys or bead chains other information may be gathered.

How is this information gathered?

By filling in a form on the site or corresponding with the site or its webmaster.

What does this site do with the information it gathers?

We use it:
a.) To correspond with you.
b.) To send our e-newsletters (for example,
bEad-Mail). You are always given the option to cancel. If we want to continue to correspond with a person who cancels we retain the name in a folder that is not sent e-newsletters. Otherwise, we delete the name altogether from our address book.
c.) In the case of
bead chains, we send it to other members of the chain, which is the purpose of the chain.
d.) We use other information internally to help us build a more pleasurable and useful site.

With whom does this site share the information it gathers?

Except in the case of bead chains, with no one. We do not send out addresses to individuals without first contacting the addressee.

Do you buy or sell lists of names or email addresses?


Do you spam with email?


Do you collect cookies?


Do you share information with advertisers or others?

Not personal information, but we may supply aggregate information (for example the number of people who visited the site or subscribe to a newsletter) to advertisers or the public.

The Center for Bead Research uses reasonable precautions to keep personal information secure. However, we are not liable for any breach of security or any actions of a third party.

If you have any questions email the webmaster.



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