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In an effort to preserve the legacy of Peter's work, TheBeadSite.com is now a Read Only Reference Site and is no longer processing subscriptions, taking memberships or issuing newsletters, but will remain on the Internet for research purposes.
- What is bEad-Mail? An electronic (email) newsletter from thebeadsite.com and the Center for Bead Research. It keeps you informed about changes in the site and research projects. It grew out of the African Diary, sent to subscribers when Pete Francis was in Ghana and Egypt in 1997/98. Since then, it has covered his work around the world.
- Why the Funny name? Oh, come on. bEad-Mail = Bead and E-Mail.
- What if I don't like it? Tell us. We cancel you. Really. We do not spam. We do not buy or sell names. See our privacy policy. bEad-Mail comes out about once a month
(if we're lucky), so it won’t flood your mailbox. It is informative, not an extended advertisement.
- How do I cancel or delete duplicate mailings? Just tell us, but be sure to include the small code at the very bottom of each bEad-Mail.
- Will you send me back issues? No. We do not archive them. Get them while they are current.
- Is Bead-Mail posted on The Bead Site? No.
- And how do I get it again? Send us an e-mail. You can send a greetings (though it is not necessary). Don’t send us your mailing address. This is an electronic newsletter.
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