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Beads in East Asia
Chinese Glass Beads: A Review of the Evidence

This book laid to rest the myth that China never made nor traded many glass beads. History and archaeology reveal beadmaking for 3000 years, with extensive exporting.
Left: With the overthrow of the hated Manchu (Qing) dynasty in 1912, all vestiges of foreign domination were destroyed. Pigtails were cut off. The Imperially mandated court chains were broken up. Many beads from these chains were sold to the public loose. A dealer would advertise his wares with a sign outside his shop. This sign, probably made of bamboo and wire or fiber, has beads strung all over it to show what was for sale.
1982, OPCBR 2, ISBN 0-910995-08-7, 49 pp., 2 maps, 2 plates. -- $7.50
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A Survey of Beads in Korea
The first "country survey" of beads. Details them from prehistoric to modern times. Korean independence is reflected in her universal love of beads. The bead story in Korea is a complex one. It speaks of the triumph of the desire for human adornment even when officially forbidden.
Right: Coin charms, talismans that brought the five blessings of life (longevity, wealth, health, cultivation of virtues and a natural death), were widely used during the puritanical Yi dynasty (1392-1910). They were strung on elaborate holders or chatelaines, as pictured here.

1985, OPCBR 1, ISBN 0-910995-07-9, 45 pp., 4 plates, map, table, chart. -- $6.50
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The following issues of the Margaretologist also have articles on beads from East Asia:
1(1) California Flower Beads. Chinese Beadmaker in Java. Chinese Bead Stringer. Buy It
1(3) Arikamedu Bead Census. Chinese Glass Beads. Side Trips and Updates. Buy It
2(2) Asian Maritime Bead Trade ca. 1st to 12th Centuries. Buy It
2(4) Etymology of "Bead." Baba Ghor. Ruby Red Glass (Chinese). Takua Pa inscription. Buy It
4(2) Some Thoughts on the Bead Trade (International Bead Conference II address) Buy It
5(1) Mutisalah. Pumtek. Indo-Pacific and Coil Beads. Buy It
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