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Beads of the World
1999 Second Edition
Some revised text; price guide now in the captions.
The one bead book you must have.

I wrote this as a basic text for collectors to cover the most easily available and collectible beads. It introduces you to basic materials, beadmaking techniques, the trade in beads and their ultimate uses. I have gone around the world twelve times to write this book.
It can be read on three levels. You can gather the outline by just looking at the 272 pictures and reading the captions When you read the text you gather the whole picture. For more details or scholarly research, you can mine the notes and references.
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The price guide is compiled from catalogues, personal experience and visits to Bead Shops on both coasts and the Mid-West. Africa is steadily being drained of her trade beads. West African traders now go as far as Ethiopia, Zaïre and South Africa to buy beads. Prices in the Mid-West are of ten better than on the coasts. If you have comments on this, e-mail me at the Office.
Section One: Miniature Works of Art
The Universal Appeal of Beads The Basics of Bead Collecting The Uses of Beads
Section Two: Bead Materials Organic Beads Stone Beads Glass Beads
Section Three: Origins and Use European Glass Trade Beads The Middle East and India The Far East Southeast Asia Africa North and South America
Further Resources
Price Guide
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