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Beadwork from Afghanistan (page two)

by Bucklee Bell


Above and Right: Nuristan child's vest from northeastern Afghanistan. Embroidered and seed beaded. The seed beads and red molded beads may be of Czech origin.

Left: Pashtun embroidered dress panel. From Ghazni Province in the southeast. (Some of these may be made in refugee camps in Pakistan.)

Right:I am not sure which group made this, but it is from Afghanistan. I think it was made to be hung on a wall. The center brown beads are cloves and this piece has a nice fragrance.

Left: A close-up of a Turkmen decoration. It is L-shaped and used on rolled-up (stored) bedding in the tent. According to Harvey, it is called a saye gosha. The ends of the fringe are often beaded.

Right: Embroidered Pashtun gun holster with beaded edges.

Left: Pashtun beaded purses are also made for the export market. Possibly made in a refugee camp in Pakistan.

Right: A beaded breastplate said to have been made in Afghanistan.

Left: Pashtun metal necklace with beadwork strips attached, beaded balls, and tassels.

Right: Uzbek or Turkmen beaded tassels on the end of a long string to be braided into a woman's hair.

Left:Afghan woman's dress front with sequins, small mirrors, embroidery and beaded edges. It is said that a young nomad woman must make twelve of these dresses to be ready for marriage.


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Harvey,Janet (1996)Traditional Textiles of Central Asia. London: Thames and Hudson.

Kalter,Johannes (1983)The Arts and Crafts of Turkestan. London: Thames and Hudson.

 © 2002 Bucklee Bell


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