Form for Joining the World Bead Chain
Has been disabled - as this is a now Reference Only Site

The World Bead Chain grew out of conversations with people I met during my Euro '99 Lecture and Research Tour. They wanted a way to get in touch with other bead people in Europe.

I started this mailing list for them but did not limit it to Europeans. When the first List went out it included people from Europe, the Middle East, Asia and America. I saw that there was a demand for a wide network of bead people. The Euro Bead Chain was renamed the World Bead Chain.

If you are interested in joining the World Bead Chain, please fill out this form.

The information will be compiled and sent by email to all the people who have filled in the form. It will not be passed on to anyone else. Updates will be sent out as needed.

Your full name

The country in which you live

Your full e-mail address (be sure that you have it right, e.g. me@aol,com - no spaces or commas)

Your preferred language(s)

Your specific bead interests

Unless you tell us otherwise, we shall send you bEad-Mail, our e-newsletter that comes out about monthly. You may unsubscribe at any time.
 O.K., send it.
 No, I already get it.
 No thanks.

Thanks for joining the World Bead Chain. Upon joining you will be sent the current list. You may revise your listing by emailing the person who sent you the list.

Remember: With the Internet (with everything in life) there is always the possibility that someone may use a connection in a wrong way. The World Bead Chain does not give out your address or city. Make friends though this service, but be careful with personal information.

Neither the Center for Bead Research, nor the moderator can guarantee any members of the World Bead Chain. My experience meeting people on the Internet has always been very good, but please use good judgment.

~ Peace

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