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The American Museum of Natural History
The AMNH is located in New York City.
It is one of the great repositories and research institutions in the world.


One of two elephant herds in the AMNH. There is one of African and one of Indian elephants. These are African; you can tell by their larger ears.
The new Hall of Biodiversity is dedicated to the splendor of the diversity of life on Earth and how it can be preserved.
It is perhaps the most fascinating and intriguing museum display I have ever seen anywhere.


All museums brag about their dinosaurs, but the AMNH has one of the - if not the - greatest collections of dinosaur bones in the world. The dinosaur displays have recently been updated and rearranged to reflect what is known about dinosaur evolution.
Museums don't just display things. The better ones are research institutions. The AMNH has world-renowned scholars and research programs.

Some or all of these pictures may be copyrighted by the American Museum of Natural History. I hope they don't mind. If there are any objections, I'll adjust.
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