Sources for the Tables of Analyses of Indo-Pacific Beads

Brill, Robert H.

1987 Chemical Analyses of Some Early Indian Glasses, pp. 1-28 in H.C. Bhardwaj, ed. Archaeometry of Glass, Proceedings of the Archaeometry Session of the XIV International Congress On Glass 1986 New Delhi Indian Ceramic Society, Calcutta.

Colani, Madeleine

1935 Mégalithes du Haut-Laos (Hua Pan, Tran Ninh), Tome Second Les Éditions d'Art et d'Histoire, Paris.

Harrisson, Tom

1964 Monochrome Glass Beads from Malaysia and Elsewhere Man Art. 50:37-41.

Lal, B.B.

1952 Examination of Some Ancient Indian Glass Specimens Ancient India 8:17-27.

1987 Glass Technology in Early India, pp. 44-56 in H.C. Bhardwaj, ed. Archaeometry of Glass, Proceedings of the Archaeometry Session of the XIV International Congress On Glass 1986 New Delhi Indian Ceramic Society, Calcutta.

Lamb, Alastair

1961 Some Glass Beads from Kakao Island, Takuapa, South Thailand Federation Museums Journal 4 (n.s.):48-55.

1965a Some Glass Beads From the Malay Peninsula Man Art. 30:36-8.

1965b Some observations on stone and glass beads in early South-east Asia Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 38(2):87-125.

Melleret, Louis

1962 L'Archéologie du Delta du Mékong, Tome Troisiéme La Culture du Fou-Nan Texte École Française d'Extrême-Orient, Paris.

Subramanian, R.

1950 Analysis of Ancient Glass Beads Current Science 19:19-20.

Tornati, M. and W.G.N. van der Sleen

1960 L'Analisi Chimica Auita l'Archaeolgia Vetro e Silicati 4(23):12-24.



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