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BEADS -- The Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers
Now BEADS 12/13 (2000-2001) available.
Beads is the foremost journal of bead research in the world. All articles are peer-reviewed, as are other scientific publications. That means that papers are read by experts in the field and revisions are made before they are published, insuring a high level of accuracy.
Since its beginning, Beads has been ably edited by Karlis Karklins, one of the leading bead researchers in the world. He has worked very hard to produce volumes that not only present the latest in bead research but are also visually stunning.
Circumstances beyond Karklins' control slowed the production of the annual volumes. He has now gotten the publication back on track by issuing double volumes. He has also reissued the first volumes, which had gone out of print. This makes the full complement of Beads available now.

< NEW BEADS 12 & 13 (2000-2001)
Cover Story
: Annamese Orders: Precious Metals, Tassels, and Beads by J. Sylvester Beads and Sealstones from Mycenaea by N. Wilkie Sources of Prehistoric Turquoise in N. America by F. J. Mathien Man-in-the-Moon Beads by M. Lorenzini and K. Karklins Stone Beads of South India by P. Francis Krobo and Bodom by K. Stansfield Reviews of: Deo, Drewal and Mason, Elliott
80 pp. + 6 color plates $15.00
10 & 11(1998-1999) >
Cover Story: Jade Beads and Pendants in the Maya Lowlands by D. M. Pendergast Stone Beads and Their Imitations byR. K. Liu Melanau Bead Culture by H. Munin Gem Beadmaking in Idar-Oberstein, Germany by S. Frazier, A. Frazier and G. Lehrer A Brief History of Drills and Drilling by A. J. Gwinnett and L. Gorelick Venetian Beads by F. Hird Recent Trade Bead Research by R. C. Coon Reviews of: Sciama & Eicher, Neuwirth, von Freeden & Wieczorek, Töröl, Hanson
72 pp. + 6 color plate pages $15.00


< BEADS 8 & 9(1996-1997)
Cover Story: Beads Among the Juang of India by A. K. Kanungo Abompe Bauxite Beadmaking, Ghana byY. Bredwa-Mensah Imitation Pearls in France by M.-J. and H. Opper Stone Bead Hoard near Lake Chad, Nigeria by Graham Connah Beads, Pendants, Buttons from Early Historic Creek Sites in Georgia by T. J. Pluckhahn Reviews of: Adhyatman & Arafin; BST Catalogue; Kumekpor, Bredwa-Mensa & van Landewijk; Wolters.
72 pp. + 6 color plate pages $15.00

< Reissued BEADS 1(1989)
Cover Story: 18th - 19th Century Senegal by H. and J.-M. Opper Beads of the Early Islamic Period byP. Francis Elmina, Ghana (West Africa) by C. De Corse Dutch Beads of St. Eustatius by K. Karklins Bohemian Beadmaking in 1913 by L. Ross and B. Pflanz Reviews of: Dubin, Picard & Picard, Deagan, Karklins & Sprague
101 pp. + 3 color plate pages $15.00
Reissued BEADS 2 (1990) >
Cover Story: Glass-Bead Industry of North China by R. Sprague and An Jiayao Early Islamic African Trade and the Rise of Hebron by P. Francis Hudson's Bay Company by L. Ross Venice Beadmaking in 1847 by K. Karklins and C. Adams Prehistoric Ornaments of the Dutch Antilles by J. Haviser Reviews of: Duncan, Hayes & Ceci, Engle, Francis
104 pp. + 6 pp. color plate pages $15.00


< BEADS 3 (1991)
Cover Story:
Mohawk Glass Trade Bead Chronology: ca. 1560-1785 by D. Rumrill French Beadmaking by H. and J.-M. Opper Dutch East India Company in South Africa by K. Karklins and C. Schrire Venetian Bead Stringer by I. Ninni and L. Segatti Reviews of: Carey, Bennyhoff & Hughes, Folgelman, Picard & Picard, Jargsdorf
96 pp + 4 color plate pages $15.00
4(1992) >
Cover Story:
Beads of Cameroon by P. Harter and H. Opper (translator) Roman and Post-Medieval Antwerpen by K. Karklins and T. Oost Beads in Use in Southern Togo by P. Nourisson On the Date of the Copper Age in the United States by A. Morlot Beads in 19th Century East African Trade by K. Karklins Reviews of: Moss & Scherer, Karklins, Champs-Fabrer, Kurinsky, Brill & Martin
72 pp + 7 color plate pages $15.00


< BEADS 5 (1993)
Gold-Glass Beads by M. Spaer K.E. Kidd obituary by J. Hunter and K. Karklins The A Speo Method (Venetian Beads) by K. Karklins Powder-Glass Beads and Trade in Mauritania by H. and J.-M. Opper Lun Bawang Beads (Sarawak) by H. Munan Reviews of: Francis, Picard & Picard, Crystal Myths Video, Jargstorf, DeVore
72 pp. + 6 color plate pages $15.00
6 (1994) >
Cover Story:
African Burial Ground, New York City by C. Laroche European Beads of Spanish-Colonial Belize by M. Smith, E. Graham and D. Pendergast Possible Beadmaker's Kit from Lake Superior Copper District by S. Martin Toward a Social History of Beadmakers by P. Francis Reviews of: Neuwirth, Morris & Preston-Whyte, Liu, Delaroziére, OAC, Kock & Sode
88 pp. + 5 color plate pages $15.00


< BEADS 7 (1995)
Cover Story:
Prosperity, Reverence and Protection: An Introduction to Asian Beadwork. byV. Hector. Merovingian Beads on the Lower Rhine byF. Siegmund, trans. C.J. Bridger Social Status Gradations in the Beadwork Patterns of Sarawak's Orang Ulu byH. Munan. The Beads of Tenth- to Twelfth Century Hungary by K. Szilagyi, and D. Haines (translator) Reviews of: Kelly; Pantone Color; Rasmussen, Hansen & Nasman (eds); Jargstorf.
104 pp. + 10 color plate pages $15.00
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